Book Your Sugaring Appointment with Sugar(ed)

Have you booked your waxing appointment in your nearest salon? If so, you might be a little scared of the pain and skin issues you get after getting your regular Singapore hair removal treatment. But every time you think, beauty is pain so you need to go through with it no matter the after-effects. Actually, you don’t have to! You don’t have to endure the harmful effects of chemical waxing procedures anymore. Instead, you can opt for several natural and organic options to remove your hair. One of the most effective and organic ways for hair removal is sugaring. This process includes no harsh chemicals instead, just sugar, water, and lemon. Yes, that’s it! With the right sugaring consistency, hair can be removed easily without extreme pain and harmful effects. Now, you might think that not many beauty salons in Singapore offer a sugaring process. You are right in that assumption! But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a beauty studio that offers this amazing, natural ...